Title: e-Learning: Reducing Parental Conflict
Date: available from November 2021
Delivery: e-learning course via Astute learning platform
Synopsis: These modules are the e-learning version of Reducing Parental Conflict Practitioner Training that was delivered in Lancashire by Knowledge Pool, funded by the Department of Work and Pensions as part of the RPC programme in 2019/20.
They can be taken as an entire course or as individual modules
They provide a very good understanding of the evidence base that underpins this approach to working with children young people and their families; if you want to help bring about any change you need to start with relationships and if a family is entrenched in unresolved, frequent, intense and damaging conflict you have to start there.
The modules are recommended to anyone who has an interest in making children’s lives better; from strategic managers to frontline staff, working across multi agencies; local authorities, schools, health visitors, midwives, early years, police, housing officers, social workers, family support workers, community, voluntary and faith sectors. As a progression of this work and in order to support the embedding of reducing parental conflict into service provision we have developed a Pan Lancashire Relationship Toolkit. This provides a guide to implementing some of the strategies that are introduced in the e-learning modules.
Link/s: Further information including links to book on the e-learning are provided below.
LCC – https://lancashire.astute-elearning.com/
Schools – https://lccschools.astute-elearning.com/
LCC – External/public – https://lccexternal.astute-elearning.com/