Title: CDOP e-learning: The Child Death Review Process
Date: available from October 2021
Delivery: via Astute Learning Platform
Audience: This training is for multi-agency professionals involved in, or with an interest in, the child death review process. We encourage all professionals involved in the process to complete this course. It is open to professionals who might become involved in the future, or to those who want to develop an understanding of the process and the statutory responsibilities.
Aims: The aim of this course is to help professionals:
- Understand the process for completing a review
- Understand the Child Death Overview Panel’s function
- Understand what happens when a child dies
- Understand the definition for an unexpected death
- Become aware of the SUDC service and Joint Agency Response process
- Become aware of the local picture and the implications for practice
- Become aware of some of the themes of deaths in your area
Link/s: Further information including links to book on the training are provided below.
- Non-LCC users need to be registered on Astute to access the e-learning – Astute e-learning (External). Full guidance notes for non-LCC colleagues including registration information and Astute links is available in .pdf format <here>
- LCC users need to be registered on Astute to access the e-learning – Astute e-learning (LCC). Full guidance notes for LCC colleagues including registration information and Astute links is available in .pdf format <here>