
There is a small team of experienced nurses who work with families and agencies such as the police, social care, hospital staff, the pathologist and the coroner to help understand why a child has died unexpectedly. The SUDC Nurses act as a point of contact for families if they have any questions about what happens next following the death of their child.

The team work closely alongside police and other partner agencies to provide the health input into the investigation. The SUDC nurses also provide reports to pathologists, coroners and criminal proceedings as cases determine; the nurses will also coordinate a Pan-Lancashire response following the unexpected death of a child up to age of 18 years.

The SUDC Nurses will provide initial bereavement support to the family and will remain a point of contact for families throughout the investigation. 

Our SUDC Protocol covers the principles and practice of the management of sudden unexpected death in children.  It sets out the processes to be followed across the Blackpool, Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen region when responding to, investigating and reviewing the unexpected death of a child and includes information about individual roles and responsibilities. 

The SUDC Protocol can be accessed on our Tri.x platform at: https://panlancashirescb.proceduresonline.com/pdfs/sudden_death.pdf [external link]

In addition, further information about investigating sudden deaths in infancy and childhood can be found in the Kennedy Guidelines at: https://www.rcpath.org/discover-pathology/news/new-guidelines-for-the-investigation-of-sudden-unexpected-death-in-infancy-launched.html [external link]

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